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Copper Creek Board of Directors

June 2024 Community Meeting Recap

Copper Creek HOA Board of Directors Meeting

June 11, 2024

Five Forks Library

I. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jay Walters. Also present were Santy DiSabatino, Mark McCann, Arnon Scheflan and Donna Evans.

II. Approval of Minutes - A motion was made to accept the minutes from May 14, 2024 as read. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

III. Treasurer Report - Donna presented the April financial report. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to accept the report as presented.

IV. Committee Reports

A. Social- Jay reported the Father’s Day event is scheduled for Saturday at the pool.

B. Pool - Arnon reported that the pool is looking good.

C. Communications - Santy reported the minutes and agenda went out on Facebook.

D. ARC - Mark had nothing new to report at this time.

V. Old Business

A. Playground Mulch - Jay reported a contract was signed to install the mulch with a border. It should be started in the next few weeks.

B. Greenville County Jurisdictional Rights - Jay reported he has been working with the county to get the signs installed.

VI. New Business

A. Pool Gate Lock - Jay reported that the pool gate lock is not working properly and a new lock will cost $683. A motion was made, seconded and pass unanimously to get the lock replaced.

B. Pool Furniture- Jay presented a quote to get 10 lounge chairs and 1 table same as there is now and to toss the broken lounges and table away. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to purchase the lounges and table.

C. Landscaping - Jay requested that a committee be formed to get quotes for a new

landscape company. The committee will present a bid at the next HOA meeting in July. Santy was asked to post on Facebook asking for volunteers for the committee.

VII. Open Discussion

On June 6th Jay reported that the water line connector to the hydrant in the back left corner of the pool was repaired at a cost of $1,017. As it was an emergency a motion was made via text to repair the line. It was seconded and passed unanimously.

Jay reported if anyone is in the pool after hours, the individual / individuals could be fined $1,000-$3,000 if an inspector from SCDHEC inspects the pool. DHEC has previously informed us the pool hours are till 8 pm or sunset, whichever occurs first.

The cost to install lights to swim at night are very expensive to install and not feasible at this time.

A discussion was held from owners present how to keep non owners out of the pool. A letter will be sent to owners who give the code to non owners. An owner asked if a notice of the pool rules be sent to owners and have owner sign that they receive the rules.

Jay reported for the Annual Meeting in September a notice will go out asking for nominations for the board of directors and then in October a ballot will go out with nominations and their bio sheet.

Owner asked why trash cans are taped shut and Jay responded it is better to have one trash can filled then have 2 or 3 empty cans to take to street to be emptied each week.

Discussion entailed regarding street parking and parking in the pool parking lot.

Owner asked that nonslip mats be placed in restrooms in pool area so kids don’t slip. Jay will look into it.

There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.

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