Happy Holidays, Neighbors! The BOD met recently and wanted to share the following updates on neighborhood happenings.
Budget: Confirmed the year-end budget is in good shape.
Santa is coming through the neighborhood tonight! Check out the Facebook event or website for details.
Business Directory: There are many business owners and service providers in the neighborhood, so we’d like to build out a community business directory on the website. In addition, there is consideration around creating a Facebook Album of youth service providers (babysitting, dog-walking, etc). More details to come.
Interested in attending community meetings? Starting in 2023, the board will share a calendar of regular meetings that may be attended by community members. Look for more details on the website soon.
New to Copper Creek? We are working to create a utility provider document that will be added to a “Welcome Package” for new homeowners and shared via the website and Facebook.
We are considering traffic calming solutions via Greenville County for the intersection of Damascus and Gordanvale/Airlie.
Currently researching solutions for adding lighting to the playground mailboxes.
We will be voting on adding internet/WiFi and security cameras to the pool parking lot and cabana area.
The board and committees are working hard to keep this community safe, fun, and thriving together! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the board at coppercreekhoabod@gmail.com.