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Copper Creek Board of Directors

April 2024 Community Meeting Recap

Copper Creek HOA Board of Directors Meeting

April 9, 2024

Five Forks Library

I. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jay Walters. Also present were
Santy DiSabatino, Mark McCann and Donna Evans. Arnon Scheflan arrived at 6:45PM.

II. Approval of Minutes - A motion was made to accept the minutes from March 12, 2024 as
submitted. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

III. Treasurer Report - Donna presented the February financial report. A motion was made,
seconded and passed unanimously to accept the report as presented.

IV. Committee Reports
A. Social- Jay reported the first event was a success and there are many more activities planned.
B. Pool - Jay reported that Justin is the chair of the committee and a meeting is planned for April 28 with the volunteers of the committee.
C. Communications - Santy reported he will be submitting another post regarding
neighborhood watch program.
D. ARC - Mark reported the requests are being handled in a timely manner.

V . Old Business
A. Pool Cover - Jay reported he received a second quote. He also spoke with pool company and the savings with a pool cover would be a 10 year return on investment. A motion was made to deny the pool cover. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
B. Playground Equipment and Mulch- A motion was made to purchase the mulch for the playground to get up to SCDHEC regulations. The board is working on quotes and to use the budget line of mulch to offset part of the cost and the remainder from reserves. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
C. Security at Night- Neighborhood Watch Program - It was requested to send one more Facebook post regarding the program and to ask for volunteers.
D. HOA Funds - Jay reported to table this till next meeting to see what funds are available to invest.

VI. New Business
A. Flock Cameras - Jay reported that 4 cameras would be needed, 2 for each entrance, and the cost would be $12,100 for 1st year and $9,600 for ever consecutive year. A motion was made to not move forward with the system. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

VII. Open Discussion
A. Jay presented a form to be signed for Jurisdiction Rights from the sheriff’s department for the community. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to sign the form. A motion was made to purchase 2 signs for entrances from the sheriff’s department. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10.
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