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🚮 Trash committee presented the information and bids they collected last night. More details to come.
🏊 Pool Committee meeting April 30th at 2:00pm. All are welcome to come to the pool and become part of the committee.
💡 Motion has been made to have the ARC review a solar light installation at the mailboxes.
⛔ Two dozen private property signs have been purchased to be installed behind Bromley and Pilger.
🔧 Pond maintenance for both our retention ponds has been approved.
🚸 Board voted to install 3 traffic signs at the entrances of the roundabout.
ℹ️ Board has approved a Community Road Committee to analyze parking, overflow, and the roundabout. Email the board with your interest.
❓ Community playground survey to be emailed out to Cooper Creek to understand interests in new playground equipment.